Mattawan Wrestling takes 1st at Coldwater Classic
Mattawan Varsity Wrestling Team took 1st Place this Saturday at the Coldwater Classic Tournament.
This group of young men stepped up their game yesterday and overcame many obstacles from illness, to inexperience, to injury. All coming together to get the job done!

Six Wrestlers took individual first place medals. Congratulations!
Meeting Minutes – #2 Quarterly 11-18-2018
- Welcome – Topher Ropp
- Board Members
President- Scott Sanderson – with regrets
Vice President-Topher Ropp
Secretary- Renee Sanderson
Treasurer- Pam Kolinski
Director – Christi Usher – with regrets - Committee Chairs
Fundraising-Shannon Melvin – with regrets
Sponsorship-Gregg Rutgers
Spirit-Amy Doxtater & Paulette Pugh
Concessions – Julie Ringlever
Website/Social Media – Tara Conklin & Jennifer Heilman – with regrets - Treasurer Report-
Current Account Balance: $63,896.07
Withdrawals/Payments: $8,365.00 (this school year to date)
501c3 Update: awaiting IRS approval still (4+ months) - Fundraising Report- Renee Sanderson & Gregg Rutgers
Bowling for Boosters – Winter – March 9 tentative, $30 Airway Lanes Vs. Revel & Roll
discussed online auction and basket items more information will come from Shannon to
coaches. Signs and best seat in the house auction items will be available prior to the
bowling event for next school year 2019-2020. - Sponsorship Report- Gregg Rutgers:
Corporate Sponsors Donations, Turf project – looking for a big Anchor Sponsor and then
multiple other sponsors to cover cost Est: 1.8 mil to 4.5 mil to do all fields, New audio and
scoreboards for indoor gym ($100,000 +) and then for Baseball and softball (about $4,000),
weightroom upgrade there is a potential sponsor for the entire concept. Spirit room /
concession room Fire suppression issue has halted project at this time but hope it will be done
during Winter Sports. Advantage Roofing project for Baseball and Softball fields was reviewed
as well. - Spirit Report- Amy/ Paulette/Gregg
BSN – Online Store 1st – 15th each month- Sales months sales – feedback from Swim
Coach was that Mike got her store set up in 3 days and very happy with products offered.
Coach Brown also had positive feedback about Mike at BSN. All brands except Addidas are
Winter Sales and Concession Area- on hold due to fire suppression issues. - Concessions – Julie Ringlever –
Plan to use Sam’s Club and get a MAB membership. Also Creamery would like to
partner and we hope to get a freezer provided from them for the individual ice creamers.
Sign-Up Genius is being used – coaches appreciate getting to choose their dates to sign
up for concessions. 2 date commitment either Winter or Spring or combination.9. Yard Signs – Renee Sanderson/Christine Janssen
$25 each – New printer this year see Facebook page for link to Square to order and
purchase - MAB Scholarship – Topher Ropp
$1500 for Male and Female (up from $500)
No end of Year Sr. Sports Awards Banquet – Will combine it with All School Night - Student Activities – Chad Yeager
- Open Floor/Q&A – Suggestion to send out a mass email to middle school or elementary
school families to try and recruit parents of younger students to join the Boosters as there will be
a big outflux of board members in about 1 1⁄2 years.
Another suggestion putting information about the Boosters on the tv screens in lobby during
Adjourn – meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm
2018/2019 Quarterly Meetings
Sunday February 10, 2019 @ 7PM High School Library
Sunday May 19, 2019 @ 7PM High School Library
Reminder: Coaches or Team Representative Must attend 3⁄4 of meetings and provide
basket / raffle item annually to be eligible for funds from Mattawan Athletic Boosters
Meeting Minutes – #1 Quarterly 10-7-2018
- Welcome- Scott Sanderson
- Board Members
President- Scott Sanderson
Vice President-Topher Ropp
Secretary- Renee Sanderson
Treasurer- Pam Kolinski (with regrets)
5th Member / Director- Christi Usher (with regrets) - Committee Chairs
Fundraising-Shannon Melvin (with regrets)
Sponsorship-Gregg Rutgers
Spirit-Amy Doxtater & Paulette Pugh
Concessions – Julie Ringlever
Website – Tara Conklin (with regrets) - Treasurer Report-
Current Account Balance: $71,466.41 (as of 10/03/2018)
Rathco – Baseball Dugouts: $252.
FIP Printing – HS Banners: $2,265.56
Any Weilding & Cutting – HS Banners: $316.
T-Shirt Printing – Mens Basketbal Uniforms: $810.
MISC IT Dept – Soccer Audio : $4,000.
T-Shirt Printing – Soccer Screen: $775. - Fundraising Report- Shannon Melvin
Golf Outing Review – Lake Cora 1st year. 93 golfers. Profit – $10,338.77. (More golfers
plus more Sponsorship/hole donations). Thank you to all volunteers this year!
Next Event-Bowling for Boosters – Winter – Teams who need to provide baskets.
Shannon will send out a reminder to all coaches a couple months in advance for baskets. - Sponsorship Report- Gregg Rutgers:
Corporate Sponsors total donations: $35,850.00 - Spirit Report- Amy/ Paulette/Gregg
BSN – Online Store- Sales – $3,378 first sales most recent $705. Approx. $15,700 in 2
months sales! BSN and Underarmour are two main brand names. - Yard Signs – Renee Sanderson / Christine Janssen
$25 each. New printer this year : Marc Rizzolo at Sign Center. 17 signs sold for Fall.
Upcoming Winter and Spring. Will have store open sooner and longer. Some discussion
of parents asking for boosters to sponsor yard signs for all seniors or varsity. Will
consider this in future. - Concessions – Julie Ringlever – check from band boosters in office for leftover concessions
we sold to them? Plan to use Sam’s Club and get a MAB membership. Meet with AD this
week. Sign Up Genius likely to be used. Concessions and Spirit Store discussed. - Student Activities – Chad Yeager11. Open Floor/Q&A
2018/2019 Quarterly Meetings-
Sunday November 11, 2018 @ 7 PM High School Library
Sunday February 10, 2019 @ 7 PM High School Library
Sunday May 19, 2019 @ 7PM High School Library
Reminder: Coaches or Team Representative Must attend 3⁄4 of meetings and provide
basket / raffle item annually to be eligible for funds from Mattawan Athletic Boosters